Gracias por los mensajes de animo, no quiero despreciar mis hermanos, pero porque cuando uno dice que la vida duele, o estas sufriendo, o cuesta al momento todas las personas responden q necesitas animo? La vida no es buena, el Senor es bueno... si, duele, si, cuesta, pero el Senor vale la pena... dios me esta hablando, siento q estoy recibiendo algo q no he recibiendo antes, de su fuerza, de fe, de su vista… q mas hay en las vida! Si tengo que tener dolor para oir dios, darme dolor.. animo si- pero jesus es el agua q refresca mi lengua seca.. Como dicho no quiero menospreciar el amor de mis hermanos, amor q no merezco.. asi es mi vista de la vida, solo queria compartir.
This is a response to something going on on facebook...
Its an excuse for a blog... it didn´t fit in one status block so i had to do it in three... think its quite fundemental to how we see the world so thought i would store it here for prosperity...
Today I did a video diary in Spanish... related thoughts are: isn´t language funny, I realised doing it that none of my English friends would understand it, but if i talk in english then none of my spanish speaking friends will understand... there are two groups of people in the world who i will never be able to communicate with at the same time... that is wierd I think...
Ps. the above is not a translation of the further above... i just did what i hate in academic texts, untranslated passages in the non predominant language... its not too important don´t worry you haven´t missed much... just focus on the bits you understand...
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