Monday 31 January 2011


Ok... I´m still going with this blog thing, not posted for a while.
I do really like silence, bloggin does not allow for silence. No-one has the answers, we are not designed to have the answers we are designed to relate to one another, our goal is not to understand all wisdom but to live together in harmony (oh man I just threw up at the hippyness of what I just said)
Here are a list of aims I have been thinking about recently, in not particular order they are...
Live in a camper van
Help mental health patients with their lives by providing caring, safe, maybe activity focussed, environments
Live in a sustainable community that is also a place where drug addicts can come and be set free.
Bring hope to sink estates
Be a stand up comedian
Make lots of money that can be used to help these people.
One thing I like about blogging, is that it is a work in progress. Most writing is drafted re drafted and then put out for consumption. Blogging is always developing. I don´t like people who think they have all the answers... confidence which is not based on a deep acceptance of who you are but based on the feeling that you have understood things in a way those around you haven´t... Thats why i don´t like preachers (I think preaching as a medium is generally bad anyway... thats something for another blog) but sometimes the people who seem to be the most successful that are confident enough to stand and talk to crowds are those people whose confidence is based on a misplaced belief that they are worth listening too. Thats the problem with politicians, in order to be a successful politician you have to believe that you over all your peers are the best person to take big decisions on the behalf of others... this in my mind is the very reason people should be excluded from making big decisions on the behalf of others... but then I know this is a well discussed point elsewhere....
There are so many things to talk about in life, how we should organise ourselves in community, what lies at the heart of our pain and our freedom, what is God up to, what is the nature and effect of power and its corrosive effect on groups... Sometimes there is much to talk about, but then there is nothing anyone is saying that hasn´t already been said. The answers do not lie in words...
Anyway, bloggs as they are a record of the development of someones thinking. Imagine Faukner, or Joyce, or Homer, or Lorca writing their greatest works in chronological order from when they first started thinking of them and framing them in their mind to when they were finally finished in their end form... wouldn´t it be interesting to see which bit of King Lear, Shakespeare wrote first, or which scene of paradise lost first past across Miltons mind... a work in progress, which is what we are... a blog. Never finished, always new... the new scenes of life replacing and completing and developing the last thought which we posted on the great cosmic screen... that, I think is one thing I like about blogs...

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